Monday, March 2, 2009

Ldap authentication with Openbravo

The following instructions allow use of an Ldap server to authenticate users to OpenBravo ERP. I first unsuccessfully attempted to use a custom authentication manager to implement LDAP support. If you have been able to do it, I would be very keen to know how it was done.

  1. Copy this file to /AppsOpenbravo/src/com/riksof/authentication/
  2. Please modify objectDN string to correspond to your setup.
  3. Login to postgres with the database user created at installation time: psql - U tad -d openbravo
  4. Insert the following entry:
    insert into ad_model_object(ad_model_object_id, ad_client_id, ad_org_id, isactive, action, classname, isdefault, created, createdby, updated, updatedby) values (1006100001, 0, 0, 'Y', 'X','com.riksof.authentication.LdapLoginHandler', 'Y', current_timestamp, 100, current_timestamp, 100);
  5. Also update entry to use our login class:
    update ad_model_object_mapping set ad_model_object_id=1006100001 where mappingname='/secureApp/LoginHandler.html';
  6. Compile and deploy OpenBravo to use Ldap.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Buen día, amigo. Excelente post!!! pero el enlace para descargar el archivo esta roto.. por favor subelo nuevamente o envialo a mi correo:

Mil gracias.